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How Advertising affects our mind

We live in a world pervaded by advertising, which reaches us through every possible channel. But what really happens in our minds when we are exposed to advertising? In this post, we will explore how advertising affects our minds, influencing our perceptions, our consumption choices and our view of the world.

Advertising is a sophisticated art based on psychological principles that aims to influence our behavior and our purchasing decisions. Through the use of persuasive strategies, such as conditioning, emotional attraction and authority, advertising exploits our desires, fears and needs to push us towards a particular product or service.

Advertising harnesses the power of images and messages to shape our perception of reality. Through the use of attractive images, captivating slogans and engaging narratives, advertising creates an ideal world that associates the product or service with happiness, success or belonging. These representations influence our aspirations and values, driving us to desire what is being promoted.

Much of advertising’s influence occurs unconsciously, outside of our immediate awareness. Through the use of techniques such as repetition, association and social influence, advertising infiltrates our minds, creating positive brand connections and influencing our purchasing decisions without us being fully aware of it.

Despite the omnipresence of advertising, we can develop a critical and aware mind to resist its negative influences. Here are some tips:

  • Develop awareness: Pay attention to the advertising around you and be aware of the persuasive tactics that are being used. Analyze advertising messages critically and ask yourself if they truly match your needs and values.
  • Seek Independent Information: Look for independent, reliable sources of information that allow you to objectively evaluate the advertised products or services. Trust reviews and testimonials from real consumers rather than just relying on advertising.
  • Develop your own sense of identity: Recognize and embrace your uniqueness and worth beyond the standards set by advertising. Define your personal goals and values independent of commercial ideals.

In the training course “How Advertising acts on our mind”we will analyze Advertisements to directly understand the mechanisms of their functioning, how our mind reacts and how we can change the effect produced on our behavior.

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