Today I want to talk to you about "conscious children". Parenting is an extraordinary and fascinating task, but it also requires commitment, dedication and a deep awareness. In the historical period in which we live, with all the distractions and pressures of society, it is essential to guide our children towards an awareness of themselves, …
The founder
Laura Scaglione
In life he is a Coach, Trainer and Business Consultant.
Her innate predisposition to "feel" herself and others, communicate and perceive the systems around her, have led her to develop a deep passion for this work. Her skills and knowledge are aimed at supporting others in achieving Real Change quickly.

Lorem ipsum sir amet
Observe reality
from a different perspective!
Advanced Awareness (AA) is the method conceived by the Founder with the intention of supporting the processes of change of People and Organizations, through the understanding of Reality from new perspectives and the immediate activation of Effective Responses to deal with change, respecting of individual identities.

Lorem ipsum sir amet
Observe reality
from a different perspective!
Advanced Awareness (AA) is the method conceived by the Founder with the intention of supporting the processes of change of People and Organizations, through the understanding of Reality from new perspectives and the immediate activation of Effective Responses to deal with change, respecting of individual identities.

The Founder Laura Scaglione
Her natural tendency towards freedom and the search for it represents an important resource that he makes available to all those who decide to use it.
What is Advanced Awareness
Advanced Awareness (AA) is the method devised over the course of 25 years of work and experience on Awareness in relation to the corporate Human Capital, in relation to the Person in every aspect of his life and in relation to the Reality that surrounds us.
The characteristics of the AA Method
The characteristics of the AA Method
- Deep level analysis and understanding of any situation, personal or business, in a short time
- Explication of Reality for what it is at any level of the Personal/Corporate/Systemic sphere
- Fast activation of more Ecological responses (=Effective and Efficient)
- Personalized management of each path/project
- Systemic Approach

Per i Privati

Per i Privati
Supporto della persona nell'allenamento mentale, con la condivisione di obiettivi personali per la scoperta della propria identità.
Per i Coach

Per i Coach
Percorso altamente personalizzato che
consente ai partecipanti di potenziare l’uso della propria mente ed essere Coach efficaci.
consente ai partecipanti di potenziare l’uso della propria mente ed essere Coach efficaci.
Per le Aziende

Per le Aziende
Offerta di numerosi corsi al fine di migliorare, modificare o apprendere comportamenti efficaci e ottimali nella gestione della vita aziendale.
Online courses

Online courses
Percorsi online su misura per aziende, futuri mental coach e privati al fine di raggiungere benessere mentale, obiettivi personali e professionali.
Dedicate a short moment to your personal growth. Discover yourself through our 10-question mindfulness test.
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